
Department of Antiquities

Ancient Egypt and Sudan: List of Archaeological sites represented in the Ashmolean's Collections

Country List


      • Abadiya
        • Excavation: Petrie (1898-9).
      • Abydos
        • Excavations: Am'lineau (1895-6).); Petrie (1899-1903).); Garstang (1900).); Randall MacIver and Mace (1900-1).); Ayrton, Currelly and Weigall (1904).); Garstang (1907-9).); Ayrton and Loat (1908-9).); Peet (1909-13).); Petrie (1921-2).); Frankfort (1925-6).
      • Aniba
        • Excavations: Woolley and MacIver (1907-10).); Coxe (1909-10).
      • Antinoopolis (see el-Sheikh Ibada)
      • Armant
        • Excavation: Mond and Myers (1927-37).
      • Beit Dawud Sahl
        • Excavation: Garstang (1901-2).
      • Beit Khallaf
        • Excavation: Garstang (1900-1).
      • Beni Hasan
        • Excavation: Garstang (1902-4).
      • Buto (see Tell el-Fara'in)
      • Byahmu
        • Excavation: Petrie (1888).
      • Deir el-Bahri (see Thebes)
      • Deir el-Ballas (see el-Ballas)
      • Deir Rifa
        • Excavation: Petrie (1907).
      • Dendara
        • Excavation: Petrie (1898).
      • Diospolis Parva (see Hiw)
      • Dishasha
        • Excavation: Petrie (1897).
      • el-Amarna
        • Excavations: Petrie (1891-2).); Peet and Woolley (1921-2).); Newton and Griffith (1923-5).); Frankfort and Pendlebury (1926-37).
      • el-Amra
        • Excavation: MacIver and Mace (1900-1).
      • el-Awniyya (see Nag el-Alawna)
      • el-Badari
        • Excavation: Brunton (1922-5).
      • el-Bahnasa
        • Excavation: Grenfell and Hunt (1897-1907 ).
      • el-Ballas
        • Excavation: Quibell (1895).
      • el-Kab
        • Excavations: Quibell (1896-7).); Sayce and Clarke (1901-4).); Sayce and Garstang (1904-5).
      • el-Lahun
        • Excavations: Petrie (1889-91).); Grenfell and Hunt (1901-2).); Petrie (1914)., 1920-1).
      • el-Mahasna
        • Excavations: Garstang (1901).); Ayrton and Loat (1909).
      • el-Mustagidda
        • Excavation: Brunton (1928).
      • el-Qantara
        • Excavation: Petrie and Griffith (1887).
      • el-Raqaqna
        • Excavation: Garstang (1901-2).
      • el-Riqqa
        • Excavation: Engelbach (1913).
      • el-Sheikh Fadl
        • Excavation: Grenfell and Hunt (1902-3).
      • el-Sheikh Ibada
        • Excavation: Johnson (1913-14).
      • el-Shurafa
        • Excavation: Petrie (1912).
      • Esna
        • Excavation: Sayce and Garstang (1904-5).
      • Faiyum
        • Excavations: Grenfell and Hunt (1897-1907)., 1897-1907).); Caton-Thompson (1924-6)., 1924-6).
      • Faiyum (see also Dimai; Manashinshana; Medinet el-Faiyum; Qasr es-Sagha; Talit)
        • Excavations: Grenfell and Hunt (1897-1907)., 1897-1907).); Caton-Thompson (1924-6)., 1924-6).
      • Faras
        • Excavation: Griffith (1910-12).
      • Ghita
        • Excavation: Petrie (1906).
      • Girza
        • Excavation: Wainwright (1910-11).
      • Giza
        • Excavations: Vyse (1837).); Petrie (1906-7).
      • Gumaiyma
        • Excavation: Petrie (1886).
      • Gurob (see Medinet Ghurab)
      • Hammamiya
        • Excavations: Brunton (1922-5).); Caton-Thompson (1924-5).
      • Haraga
        • Excavation: Engelbach (1913-14).
      • Hawara
        • Excavations: Petrie (1888-9)., 1911).
      • Heliopolis
        • Excavation: Petrie (1911-12).
      • Hierakonpolis
        • Excavations: Quibell and Green (1897-8).); Garstang and Jones (1905-6).
      • Hiw
        • Excavation: Petrie (1898-9).
      • Ihnasya
        • Excavations: Petrie (1903-4).); Blackman and Johnson (1909-10).
      • Istabl Antar
        • Excavation: Garstang (1904).
      • Kafr Ammar
        • Excavation: Petrie (1912).
      • Kahun (see el-Lahun)
      • Karnak (see Thebes)
      • Kom el-Ahmar (see Hierakonpolis)
      • Koptos (see Qift)
      • Luxor (see Thebes)
      • Maghara
        • Excavation: Petrie (1903-4).
      • Maidum
        • Excavations: Petrie (1890-1)., 1910).
      • Manashinshana
        • Excavation: Grenfell and Hunt (1901-2).
      • Matmar
        • Excavation: Brunton (1930-1).
      • Mazghuna
        • Excavation: Petrie (1911).
      • Medinet el-Faiyum
        • Excavation: Petrie (1888).
      • Medinet Ghurab
        • Excavations: Petrie (1889).); Loat (1903-4).); Brunton and Engelbach (1920).
      • Memphis
        • Excavation: Petrie (1908-13).
      • Nabasha
        • Excavation: Petrie (1886).
      • Nag el-Alawna
        • Excavation: Garstang (1901).
      • Naqada
        • Excavations: Petrie (1895).); Garstang (1904).
      • Naukratis
        • Excavations: Petrie (1884-5).); Gardner (1885-6).); Hogarth (1899)., 1903).
      • Oxyrhynchus (see el-Bahnasa)
      • Qasr Ibrim
        • Excavation: Emery (1961-2).
      • Qaw el-Kebir
        • Excavation: Brunton (1922-5).
      • Qift
        • Excavation: Petrie (1893-4).
      • Saft el-Hinna
        • Excavation: Petrie (1906).
      • Saqqara
        • Excavations: Davies (1898-9).); Barsanti (1899-1900).); Quibell (1905-12).); Emery (1953-69).
      • Sararwa
        • Excavation: Garstang (1901-2).
      • Semaina
        • Excavation: Petrie (1898-9).
      • Serabit el-Khadim
        • Excavation: Petrie (1904-5).
      • Serra
        • Excavation: Griffith (1910-12).
      • Shagamba
        • Excavation: Petrie (1906).
      • Sidmant
        • Excavation: Petrie and Brunton (1920-1).
      • Sinai
        • Excavation: Petrie (1904-5).
      • Soknopaiou Nesos (see Dimai)
      • Speos Artemidos (see Istabl Antar)
      • Suwa
        • Excavation: Petrie (1906).
      • Talit
        • Excavation: Grenfell and Hunt (1901-2).
      • Tarkhan
        • Excavation: Petrie (1912-13).
      • Tell Dafana
        • Excavation: Petrie (1886).
      • Tell el-Fara'in
        • Excavation: Seton-Williams and Charlesworth (1968-9).
      • Tell el-Muqdam
        • Excavation: Naville (1887).
      • Tell el-Rataba
        • Excavation: Petrie (1906).
      • Tell el-Yahudiya
        • Excavations: Chester and Eaton (1870).); Naville and Griffith (1887-8).); Petrie (1906).
      • Thebes
        • Excavations: Mariette (1858).); 'Royal Cache' (1881).); Naville (1893-1908).); Petrie and Quibell (1896).); Daressy (1898).); Legrain (1899-1900).); Carnarvon and Carter (1907-11).); Petrie (1908-9).); Davies (1910).); Carnarvon and Carter (1915)., 1923).); Bruyère (1929).
      • Tukh el-Qaramus
        • Excavations: Naville and Griffith (1887-8).); Edgar (1906).

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      • Abu Geili
        • Excavation: Crawford (1914).
      • Buhen
        • Excavations: Woolley and MacIver (1909-10).); Emery (1962-3).
      • Firka
        • Excavation: Kirwan (1934-5).
      • Jebel Moya
        • Excavation: Wellcome Expedition (1911-14 ).
      • Kawa
        • Excavations: Griffith (1929-31).); Kirwan (1935-6).
      • Kosha
        • Excavation: Kirwan (1934-5).
      • Meroe
        • Excavations: Garstang (1909-10)., 1911-12 ).
      • Nuri
        • Excavation: Reisner (1916-18 ).
      • Sanam
        • Excavation: Griffith (1912-13 ).
      • Saqadi
        • Excavation: Wellcome Expedition (1913).
      • Sesebi
        • Excavation: Blackman (1936-7).

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